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How do I subscribe to Amazon SNS?

Choose Subscribe to Amazon SNS topic. From the Specify an Amazon SNS topic available for this queue menu, choose the Amazon SNS topic for your queue. Choose Enter Amazon SNS topic ARN and then enter the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Choose Save. To be able to communicate with the service, the queue must have permissions for Amazon SNS.

What is a cross-account SNS topic subscription?

Its common in many companies, especially those that use service oriented architecture, to have subscribers and consumers in different accounts. Setting up a cross-account SNS topic subscription to a consumer like a Lambda Function or SQS Queue requires a special process.

How do I confirm a subscription for a SNS topic?

Choose Topics, and then select your SNS topic. To verify that the subscription is confirmed for your SNS topic in account B, review the Subscriptions section. Note: After you create the subscription, a statement is added to the SQS queue access policy. The policy allows the SNS topic to send messages to your queue.

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